Educational Posters for the 4/20 2022 Rally
CANNABIS CULTURE – One of the ways in which the “legalization for all” movement is attacked in the corporate press is by insisting that full legalization has been achieved, and there’s nothing left to protest.
For example, here’s a letter from the April 23rd 2015 Vancouver Sun:
“Re: Pot protest evolves into cannabis craft fair, April 21. Now that the 4/20 ‘celebration’ has evolved from a protest into a trade show, it is time Vancouver police and city council treat it like any other event of that nature. Enforce city bylaws and require the organizers to obtain necessary permits and foot the bills for policing and all other associated costs. While they’re at it, they should also insist it take place at a time that is much less disruptive to traffic. I can’t think of any other trade show that would be allowed to be so intrusive. As the number of smokers at the event indicate, marijuana is easy and cheap to obtain, and the legalization (or certainly decriminalization) of it is inevitable, as evidenced by the lack of law enforcement. The need to protest is long past, so treat this trade show as any other and stop using Vancouver tax dollars to support it.”
“Make pot pedlars pay,” Robert Austin, Vancouver, Vancouver Sun, April 23rd, 2015, p. 21
And here’s an opinion article from the Daily Hive from 2019:
“As 4/20 looms, it’s clear a tipping point has been reached in the City of Vancouver. After years of staging the annual protest, we’re now in a new era of legalization. They made it. But organizers insist they’re going ahead with the event at Sunset Beach regardless and they’re not interested in covering the costs that other events are subject to. . . . Pride started as a protest. They grew and evolved. It’s time for 4/20 to as well.”
“Opinion: Vancouver 4/20 is no longer a protest — it’s a party and tradeshow,” Apr 12 2019
In response to this nonsense, I’ve written articles for Cannabis Culture about how the Cannabis Act is a fraud, how the continued over-regulation of industrial hemp threatens to guarantee humans suffer from extinction-level climate destabilization, and how people continue to be arrested – and sometimes killed – under “legalization/cartelization.”
But preaching to the converted is not enough. Rally season is an opportunity for outreach to the non-pot-using community – to reach them with our message in the media coverage of the rally, and with posters that advertise the rally.
So every year I come up with an assortment of posters to let the public know that our movement still has valid concerns worth protesting about.
This year I have come up with a series of ten such educational posters. Cannabis Culture has kindly made them available for you to download and print so you too can participate in the public education campaign. There’s no copyright on any of this material, so if you feel like cutting off the bottom part and replacing it with information about the time and place of your own 4/20 rally in your own city or town, feel free to do so.