Why the Government of B.C. “Cannabis Regulation Engagement” is a Referen-Dumb

CANNABIS CULTURE- So our wonderful progressive Green-NDP BC government have seen fit to ask the public about their plans to legalize.
They are trying to pretend cannabis is a hard drug when the reality is it’s a very soft drug.
As a pot activist, I try and set an example for others to follow. I don’t think cannabis needs to be treated as strictly as tobacco or alcohol. In fact, I think it sends the wrong message to our young people – the message that “old people don’t know what the fuck they’re doing”.

If cannabis was regulated like fair-trade, organic coffee beans, all of the potential harm-related concerns could be addressed with the current education and regulation systems already in place to prevent impaired driving, ecological irresponsibility and exploitative work environments.
The BC Government has created a multiple-choice test that reminds me of my Jewish grandfather (my Zeda) and the games he played with me as a child: “Do you want to go to bed without a story, or would you prefer on the other hand, if you had your way, to go to bed without a story?” Instead of short-changing us on bedtime stories, they’re holding back on the dignity and “equality with the users of other herbal medicines and soft drugs”. “Do you want a legalization model with next-to-no dignity? Or would you rather perhaps prefer a legalization model almost entirely lacking in dignity? A) Next-to-no dignity. B) Almost entirely lacking in dignity. C) Don’t know / no preference. I’m exaggerating, but only a little bit.
The BC Government also left some room for comments – I have provided screenshots of what I said. I encourage you to let it all out – your true feelings about what the regulations are doing to you personally if you are too young or too poor to be considered legitimate. They are more likely to use your comments productively if you refrain from swearing and name-calling, which I just managed to do with all the will power left in me.

And if you want some handy facts to back up what you tell them, this website might be useful – it’s just the best, most useful facts available to those who want an inclusive legalization model:
Just to let everyone know – this isn’t the last battle of legalization. We get the model we settle for. We can still keep breaking the laws we don’t think are based in reason – just like we always have. And it only takes one judge – somewhere in Canada – to recognize the truth – that cannabis is as safe as coffee beans.